
I have extensive experience with numerous types of documents as well as a wide range of subjects.

I most commonly work in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Adobe Acrobat. However, I also have experience with several content management systems and am happy to accommodate my clients by working with whatever system best fits their needs. 

For more details on my experience, please see below, check out my LinkedIn profile, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Emily Wydeven resume


Here is a downloadable copy of my résumé. Only so much information can fit on one page, so these are just some of the highlights of my editing career.

If you'd like to know more, you can find my expanded work experience below and/or check out my profile on LinkedIn.

Expanded Work Experience

Current Positions

Edited By Emily: Freelance Editor & Proofreader

July 2012 –

Checking documents (both digital and physical) of all types to ensure proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as checking for accuracy, consistency, formatting, and understandability.
Types of documents checked include:
• Website articles
• Nonfiction books
• Fiction books
• Class descriptions & schedules
• Textbook solutions
• Technical websites
• Term definitions
• Magazine articles
• Aptitude tests
• Websites
• Blogs
• Business presentations
• Employee manuals
• Smartphone apps
• Movie scripts
• Subtitles

O’Reilly Media: Copy Editor & Proofreader

January 2024 –

Editing and proofreading books to ensure:
• Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
• Correct formatting
• Logical consistency
• Adherence to company-specific style guide

MediaPlant: Editor & Proofreader

July 2021 –

⦁ Editing and proofreading documents for Microsoft's Advanced Cloud Transparency Services (ACTS) initiative for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and consistency.
Document types include:
◦ Articles
◦ Press releases
◦ Video transcripts
◦ B2B presentations
◦ Websites
⦁ Ensuring adherence to Microsoft's extensive set of style guidelines in addition to project-specific guidelines

Kodeco (formerly raywenderlich.com): English Language Editor & Pagesetter

November 2020 – Present

English Language Editor
⦁ Editing programming tutorials and books for spelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as clarity, consistency, and conciseness. Platforms and programming languages include:
◦ Android
◦ Flutter
◦ iOS
◦ Kotlin
◦ Swift
◦ Unity
◦ Unreal
⦁ Providing feedback to authors on how to improve their writing skills and better follow company writing guidelines
⦁ Additional duties specific to books include:
◦ Ensuring consistency throughout all chapters
◦ Maintaining communication with the author, tech editor, and final pass editor to ensure coordination

For both print and digital editions of books:
⦁ Finalizing page layout for books by inserting page breaks and resizing images
⦁ Ensuring all figures and code blocks have introductory text on the same page
⦁ Eliminating widow/orphan paragraph lines
⦁ Troubleshooting rendering errors

Slate Communications: Editor & Proofreader

April 2018 – Present

Editing and proofreading material related to city events and recreation programs.
Types of documents include:
⦁ Class catalogs/schedules
⦁ Magazine articles
⦁ Websites
⦁ Reports
⦁ Social media posts

Functions performed include:
⦁ Checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation
⦁ Ensuring consistent formatting
⦁ Checking information for accuracy
⦁ Ensuring logical consistency

Past Positions

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Technical Editor

October 2023 –
December 2023

(Contract position)
Edited PowerPoint decks for AWS re:Invent conference sessions.
Functions included:
⦁ Checking for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
⦁ Ensuring consistent formatting (template, font, colors)
⦁ Ensuring logical consistency
⦁ Checking for prerelease content
⦁ Adhering to a strict set of QA standards
⦁ Working in person with speakers at the conference to update their decks before presentation

Course Hero: Copy Editor

November 2019 –
April 2020

(Contract position)
Edited textbook solutions for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as clarity, consistency, accuracy, and conciseness.
Subjects included:
• Anatomy & physiology
• Biology
• Psychology
• Algebra
• Calculus
• Accounting
• Financial management

Seliant (formerly Ap Pro Services): Editor & Proofreader

March 2013 –
November 2019

Edited and proofread aptitude tests on a variety of topics—some on general knowledge, some highly specific.
⦁ Checked for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
⦁ Ensured consistent formatting
⦁ Checked for correct answers and logical consistency

7 Mile Advisors: Editor & Proofreader

May 2013 –
November 2019

Edited and proofread various documents related to the financial industry.
Types of documents included:
⦁ Decks (PowerPoint)
⦁ Presentations
⦁ Emails
⦁ Blog posts
⦁ Websites
⦁ Reports

Functions included:
⦁ Checking for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
⦁ Ensuring consistent formatting
⦁ Ensuring logical consistency
⦁ For decks, adhering to a strict set of QA standards

Techopedia: Managing Editor

September 2013 –
August 2019

• Checked all content before posting it live on the site, including:
◦ Articles
◦ Term definitions
◦ Questions & answers
◦ Webinar transcripts
• Managed the editorial calendar/scheduled when content would go live
• Assigned content to writers for production
• Worked with writers to create and improve content

Published Works

Included here are only works that I have edited in their entirety. I have also contributed to numerous other projects.

Title Published
Welcome to Maple Falls: Introduction to Reading, Writing, and Grammar for Adult ESOL LearnersAugust 2023
Hack Your Job SearchFebruary 2023
Real-World Flutter by TutorialsSeptember 2022
Functional Programming in Kotlin by TutorialsMay 2022
South Suburban Parks & Recreation Catalog (CO)Quarterly (September 2019 – Present)
Valdez Compass (AK)Three times yearly (November 2020 – Present)
La Plata County Connections (CO)Biannually (April 2021 – Present)
Baytown Voice (TX)Quarterly (February 2022 – Present)
Golden Informer (CO)Quarterly (December 2023 – Present)

Contact Me

For more information, email me or simply fill out this contact form.

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