
I prefer to work on an hourly basis because I feel that is more equitable for both myself and my clients, since it's always possible for a project to take significantly more (or less) time than anticipated. However, I am also happy to work based on word count. I've found that I generally check documents at a pace of 1,600-2,000 words per hour, but that can vary depending on the quality and content.

I have worked on a wide variety of project types and spent six years as managing editor of a technology website. Whatever your project, I can assure you that it will be handled with care as well as attention to detail.

Contact me for a quote on your project.

Document Types

Here are a few examples of document types which I have experience editing. Feel free to contact me if you would like more details.

BlogsEducational materialMagazine articlesSoftware
Books (nonfiction & fiction)Email promotionsMarketing contentSubtitles (movie)
Business presentationsEmployee manualsNewslettersTests/Exams
Class schedules & descriptionsGamesScripts (movie)Transcripts
Definitions (dictionary/glossary)HOA bylawsSmartphone appsWeb content

Contact Me

For more information, email me or simply fill out this contact form.

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